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The Lake

Latitude: 51º28'                                         Longitude: 93º30'

Height above sea level: 396.24m           Perimeter: 159.6km

Maximum depth: 15.24m                        Mean depth: 5.15m

Fish: Mostly Walleye, Northern Pike, occasional Perch & Whitefish

During the early 1920's two French aviators, who had been recognized for their distinguished service in World War I, were attempting to fly the Atlantic, East to West.  Their aircraft was reported lost in the area.  Some thirty years later the wreckage of an aircraft was found and believed to be the one flown by the French pilots M. Nungesser and M. Coli.  Adjacent lakes bear their names.


Nungesser Lake is about 18 miles long and 30,000 acres in size. A map and depth chart of the lake can be found here.

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The Wildlife

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